Saturday, August 15, 2009

Machu Picchu

What an amazing and intense experience. 5 days of hiking for a grand total of more than 80 km overall. The reward at the end was extremely worth it: an amazing morning spent at Machu Picchu... The hike itself was great: we had an amazing package with porters, cooks, guides... all we had to do is walk... But the altitude was a challenge for some of us (we got to more than 4600m). The Salkantay trail was awesome and offered us some breathtaking landscapes.

From snowy mountains to the Peruvian jungle, passing by the dry tundry, we can say that the past 5 days gave us a great taste of the Peruvian wilderness. We will definitely have tons of pictures to share when we come back... But for now, we are heading in a few different directions, with Claire going back to Canada, Nick heading to the Peruvian jungle and the other 5 girls going to Puno. The next few days will probably be a bit more relaxing after this intense camping experience!

1 comment:

  1. Salut à vous tous! Wow que vous êtes beaux! Ça me fait sourire de vous voir là! J'ai beaucoup pensé à vous tous et à l'aventure que vous viviez! J'ai hâte de lire la suite de vos aventures! Ah oui, je vous ai rapporté à chacun un joli chandail du Hogar San Pedro. Je ne sais pas si vous en aviez un déjà... mais bon j'ai pris la chance... Bonne poursuite de voyage!

